Yow. Notice that this is the same question asker as the 'homosexual sex between a married couple' one a couple of questions down. Good luck with that marriage...
i think i'm pretty good at spotting trolls on Yahoo Answers, but this isn't ringing troll to me. If you look at her other questions, they're pretty legit, like "does a debit card show up on your credit report?"
Yow. Notice that this is the same question asker as the 'homosexual sex between a married couple' one a couple of questions down. Good luck with that marriage...
lots of guys are fascinated with penises. but usually just their own.
Come on, surely this is parody.
i think i'm pretty good at spotting trolls on Yahoo Answers, but this isn't ringing troll to me. If you look at her other questions, they're pretty legit, like "does a debit card show up on your credit report?"
Maybe her husband is HR Giger?
this seems legit. I knew a girl that made a picture out of vaginas. she isn't a lesbian or bi... just a art girl.
arts weird and eird people make art. I'm weird and it shows in my work too blah blah blah art.
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