Sunday, September 27, 2009

I need to see this artwork...

Thank you to Susanna for this link.


Anonymous said...

Yow. Notice that this is the same question asker as the 'homosexual sex between a married couple' one a couple of questions down. Good luck with that marriage...

Unknown said...

lots of guys are fascinated with penises. but usually just their own.

Anonymous said...

Come on, surely this is parody.

PartyPooped said...

i think i'm pretty good at spotting trolls on Yahoo Answers, but this isn't ringing troll to me. If you look at her other questions, they're pretty legit, like "does a debit card show up on your credit report?"

Anonymous said...

Maybe her husband is HR Giger?

Anonymous said...

this seems legit. I knew a girl that made a picture out of vaginas. she isn't a lesbian or bi... just a art girl.

arts weird and eird people make art. I'm weird and it shows in my work too blah blah blah art.