Friday, September 9, 2011

Baby vs. Cat Violence


tonedef said...

I'm so thrilled that you're posting again!!

yahoo answers fail said...

people who say these things might just be looking for attention rather than being that ignorant.

Anonymous said...

You might think this is funny, but my 34 year old brother still is too stupid to figure out that cats don't spoon.

Knoji Answers said...

Good lord, if that question was not 3 years old I was going to sign in to Yahoo Answers and try to answer it myself. Insane, and a bit curious.
The oddest question I ever saw on Yahoo Answers, and maybe you already have it here, was something like "Why when you take a photo of a mirror is the picture not reflective?". I cannot remember how it was worded but it was hilarious.
Great blog, you made me smile, it is amazing what people will ask on question and answer sites.

price per head said...

I have wanted to learn more about particular topics, but not many websites would help me out in informing me the way I expected. This left me with many question, but after reading your article, I got an answer to all my questions. You are too cool dude!!!